March 8-9, 2017
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Springfield, Illinois
10:30 am Concurrent Session 1
1A Local Officials
Insurance Basics
1B Advanced Topics
- HECRAS 2D: Are you ready for the revolution in the world of floodplain modeling?
- Multi-Agency Development and Use of a Reservoir Model for the Fox Chain of Lakes using HEC-ResSim
- Aspirin for Floodplain Managers: Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling of Flood Risk Reduction Alternatives
1C Floodplain
- Mitigation Grant Applications and Administration – Lessons Learned from the Des Plaines Buyout Grant Application
- Speaking with One Voice on Flood Risk and Floodplalin Management
- USACE Levee Inspection Program
1D Outreach
- Talking About Water: Survey Results Help Us Communicate to Residents
- Engaging the Public Through Online Platforms
- Flood Survey Report – Documentation of Historic April 2013 Flooding in Northeastern Illinois
12:00 Lunch Plenary
1:30 pm Concurrent Session 2
2A Local Official
- Local Official Roundtable
2B Big Rivers
- DuPage River Flood Risk Management Study: The USACE Approach for Benefit Cost Analysis
- Re-evaluating Flood Hazard Designs at Critical Infrastructure along the Mississippi River
- "Five Feet High and Rising” Certifying the City of St. Louis’ Flood Protection System
2C Planning
- Eight Years in the Making: Flood Recovery and Protection 2008-2016 in Coralville, IA
- Strategies for Smart Growth and Long-term Flood Risk Reduction: A Case Study in Tipton, Indiana
- One Watershed, One Plan: A Case Study of Integrated Watershed Planning for Multiple Benefits
2D Regulations
- Evaluating Release Rates for Specific Watersheds in Cook County
- IDNR/OWR Downstate Permit Overview
- So You Think You're an Expert?
3:20 pm Concurrent Session 3
3A Local Officials
- Extreme Event Workshop
3B New Technology
- Utilizing Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones) for Infrastructure & Riverine Modeling
- ComEd Flood Mitigation: Technology for Response
- Peak flows for Ungaged Streams Using Trail Camera Images
3C Dams Levees
- Analyzing and Mapping Upstream Embankment Risk Using Modified Natural Valley Analysis and 2-D Overland Flow Modeling
- Lake Springfield's Spaulding Dam: How does is work? What if it doesn't?
3D Stormwater
- Performing a Desktop Analysis to Justify Funding a Sustainable Stromwater Asset Management Program
- Sioux City’s Ravine Park – Watershed-Scale Stormwater Improvements with Innovative Funding
- Touchdown: Satisfying Volume Control Requirements for Ryan Field West Parking Lot Reconstruction
10:30 am Concurrent Session 4
4A Local Official
- Inundation Mapping for Unprotected Communities on the Mississippi River
- Redevelopment in Urban Flood-Prone Areas
- MS4 Programs: Quality, the Other Stormwater “Q”
4B Wetlands
- Constructed Wetlands to Reduce Nutrients From Cropland Runoff: Implications for Urban Stormwater
- Ravine 8 Ecosystem Restoration Project
- Case Study - Bank Stabilization, Flood Reduction and Water Quality Improvement Design Build Project
4C Infrastructure/BMP
- Managing Stormwater and Saving Money in Urban Transportation Corridors with Green Infrastructure
- Wescott Park, Village of Northbrook: Underground Stormwater Storage Facility and Rainwater Harvesting System
- Hydrologic Monitoring of Urban Stormwater Green Infrastructure Best-Management Practices at Two Chicago Public Schools
4D Legislation
- Topsoil Preservation Initiative
- Estabrook Dam Improvement, From Repair to Removal
- MS4 Permitting in Illinois
1:30 pm Concurrent Session 5
5A Local Officials
5B Mitigation
- The RainReady Approach: New Decision-Making Tools for Communities and Homeowners
- Flood Vulnerability Assessment for Critical Facilities
- MWRDGC’s Flood Prone Property Acquisition Program
5C Climate Change/Urban Flooding
- City of Elmhurst - Walnut/Evergreen/Myrtle Study Area Stormwater Improvements Project
- Climate Adjusted Rainfall – Hydrologic Design for Illinois’ Future
- Explicit Simulation of Green Infrastructure for Flood Control Using Two-Dimensional Surface Routing